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The Therapeutic Process

Benefits and Risks of Therapy

As with any form of treatment, there are both benefits and risks for you to consider. In therapy, clients sometimes feel uncomfortable from anxiety, sadness, guilt, anger, frustration, or other negative feelings. People can also become uncomfortable from challenging belief systems and interpretations. They may need to talk about and share unpleasant memories, histories, and experiences. Sometimes the therapeutic progress begins with feeling worse as we delve into the troubling material. Therapy can sometimes disrupt significant relationships as people change beliefs or priorities, or change direction after self discovery. Most of these risks are expected when people are making important changes in their lives. Lastly, sometimes therapy does not work out for an individual. This can occur for several different reasons which can be discussed if that should happen.

    The benefits of therapy include, but are not limited to, feeling better about yourself, feeling stronger in the world, learning new skills to use in communication, relationships, and in the world. Often times results include permanent changes in our views of the world, our selves, or of others. People often get over fears, angers, and anxiousness by reconciling their lives. During therapy you have a safe and confidential environment to talk about your feelings and thoughts and beliefs, to explore options, and to discuss alternatives. People can grow in many different ways from therapy, as individuals, in their relationships, at work, at school, and in their ability to be satisfied with life.

Photography: Jumoke Jones copyright 2019
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