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  • Writer's pictureHeidi K. Wells, LMFT

Finding Courage

Updated: Sep 2, 2019

Finding courage isn’t just about facing overwhelming circumstances and summoning the strength to overcome them. Simple bravery often comes in the form of realizing it’s time to make changes in your life that require stepping out of your comfort zone. Are you stuck in the same routine, job or relationship that you should have moved on from a long time ago? Are you avoiding something or someone? Is fear or your ego holding you back? Being able to sit down and assess the answer to these questions can help you build the confidence and bravery you might need to make a decision, set a new goal or just move on. Not everything we try is going to turn out great or work in our favor, but you may feel worse if you never try at all. Even failure teaches us a lesson about what to do differently next time.

Reinvent yourself, sit down and fix your resume, make a decision to leave or stay in a relationship, reclaim your spirit if it has been stomped on, the point is, get up and do something! It may take courage to do so, but you have strength within you! Just for today, be brave!

Photography: Sue Mannos copyright 2019

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