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  • Writer's pictureHeidi K. Wells, LMFT

Finding Peace by Letting Go

Updated: Sep 2, 2019

We have to let go of the tight hold we have on ourselves and our lives if we are to ever have peace. We often spend so much time trying to protect ourselves from pain, grief, disappointment and hurt that we become used to the armor that we "suit up and boot up" with each and every day. Being able to drop our armor allows us to relax and tune in to actually experience joy in stillness, joy in the simple things, joy in being vs. doing.

Letting go means dropping fear that keeps us hostages to life and all it's obstacles. You can't run from life or yourself. Just for today, let go of all that has held you down for most of your life - freedom is on the other side! What do you do to find your peace?

Photography: all rights reserved to original photographer

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