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  • Writer's pictureHeidi K. Wells, LMFT

The importance of Boundaries

Updated: Sep 2, 2019

“Boundaries are crucial to building self-esteem. Being able to set limits with others and ourselves is a skill we need to learn if we are to be successful in any kind of relationship. Boundaries tell others what we will and won’t accept and our ability to stick to them tells others the extent that we value ourselves. The desire to be taken seriously by someone is embedded in being able to stand by what we say.

Love yourself enough to set boundaries. Say what you mean, and then back it up by following through on your word. Hold others to their word and when they don’t come through, set a boundary that shows you value yourself. Your life matters. Your time and energy are precious and not to be wasted. People don’t walk all over anyone – they walk over people who give them permission to. Teach others how to respect you, what you will and won’t accept and you will begin to see changes in the value you place on yourself. Each time you carry through with saying ‘no’ to someone who expects a ‘yes’, or remove something or someone negative from your life you are making a healthy boundary...for you. The opportunity to start loving yourself and valuing who you are begins today. Just for today, love yourself enough.”

Photography: Heidi Wells copyright 2019

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